[논문 정리] Custom Diffusion: Multi-Concept Customization of Text-to-Image Diffusion
Custom Diffusion의 구조를 빠르게 파악하기 위해 Method 중심으로 논문의 핵심 문장을 인용하며 정리하였다.
1. Custom Diffusion
- We propose Custom Diffusion, an efficient method for augmenting existing text-to-image models.
- We find that only optimizing a few parameters in the text-to-image conditioning mechanism is sufficiently powerful to represent new concepts while enabling fast tuning.
- Additionally, we can jointly train for multiple concepts or combine multiple fine-tuned models into one via closed-form constrained optimization.
- Our fine-tuned model generates variations of multiple new concepts in novel unseen settings.
1.1. Pipeline
- target 이미지의 캡션과 유사한 캡션으로 이미지를 얻는다. 이 이미지는 fine-tuning시에 dog라는 class 특성을 잃지 않도록 해주는 역할을 한다.
- fine-tuning: stable diffusion에서 학습했던 과정, loss와 마찬가지로 cross-attention block의 key와 value를 업데이트한다.
1.2. CustomConcept101 dataset
- We also introduced a new dataset of 101 concepts for evaluating model customization methods along with text prompts for single-concept and multi-concept compositions. For more details and results please refer to the dataset webpage and code.
2. Method
- only updates a small subset of weights in the cross-attention layers of the model.
- we use a regularization set of real images to prevent overfitting on the few training samples of the target concepts.
2.1. Single-Concept Fine-tuning
- we use Stable Diffusion as our backbone model, which is built on the Latent Diffusion Model (LDM).
- 이미지를 잠재공간으로 인코딩하기
- LDM first encodes images into a latent representation, using hybrid objectives of VAE, Patch-GAN and LPIPS
- 잠재공간에서 Diffusion model 학습하기
- They then train a diffusion model on the latent representation with text condition injected in the model using cross-attention.
- 이미지를 잠재공간으로 인코딩하기
2.1.1. Learning objective of diffusion models.
Diffusion models aim to approximate the original data distribution $q(x_0)$ with $p_θ (x_0)$
$x_1$ to $x_T$ are latent variables of a forward Markov chain s.t. $x_t = \sqrt{α_t}x_0 + \sqrt{1 − α_t}ϵ.$
The model learns the reverse process of a fixed-length (usually 1000) Markov chain.
- $ϵ_θ$ is the model prediction
- $w_t$ is a time-dependent weight on the loss.
- $c$: any other modality
- Problem
- This can be computationally inefficient for large-scale models and can easily lead to overfitting when training on a few images.
- Solution
- we aim to identify a minimal set of weights that is sufficient for the task of fine-tuning.
2.1.2. Rate of change of weights.
- fine-tuned model의 각 레이어에 대해서 파라미터 변화 살펴봄
we analyze the change in parameters for each layer in the fine-tuned model on the target dataset with the loss in Eqn. 2
- $θ^′_l$ : updated pretrained model parameters of layer $l$
- $θ_l$ : pretrained model parameters of layer $l$
레이어의 종류 세 가지:
- cross-attention (between the text and image)
- self-attention (within the image itself)
- the rest of the parameters, including convolutional blocks and normalization layers in the diffusion model U-Net.
- 각 레이어에 대한 $∆l$ 의 평균 비교
- the cross-attention layer parameters have relatively higher ∆ compared to the rest of the parameters.
- 심지어, cross-attention layers are only 5% of the total parameter count in the model.
- 결론: Cross-Attention layer가 fine-tuning할 때에 상대적으로 중요한 역할을 한다!!
- 각 레이어에 대한 $∆l$ 의 평균 비교
2.1.3. Model fine-tuning.
- cross-attention이 하는 일
- Cross-attention block modifies the latent features of the network according to the condition features.
- ⇒ updating the mapping from given text to image distribution.
- cross-attention 수식:
- text features $c ∈ R^{s×d}$ and latent image features $f ∈ R^{(h×w)×l}$ ,
- a single-head cross-attention operation consists of $Q = W^qf , K = W^kc, V = W^v c$ ,
- text ⇒ $K = W^kc, V = W^v c$
- image ⇒ $Q = W^qf$
a weighted sum over value features as:
- $d^′$ is the output dimension of key and query features.
- we propose to only update $W_k$ and $W_v$ parameters of the diffusion model during the fine-tuning process.
이유: 텍스트가 들어갔을 때, 특정한 이미지가 나오도록 학습하는 것인데, 텍스트는 $W^k$ and $W^v$ 에만 관여하므로, $W^k$ and $W^v$ 만 학습해도 된다.
(text features are only input to $W^k$ and $W^v$ projection matrix in the cross-attention block.)
2.1.4. Text encoding.
- we introduce a new modifier token embedding ⇒ $V^∗ dog.$
- $V^∗$ 를 학습하는 방법
- $V^∗$ is initialized with a rare occurring token embedding.
- $V^∗$ is optimized along with cross-attention parameters.
2.1.5. Regularization dataset.
- Fine-Tuning 문제
- Fine-tuning on the target concept and text caption pair can lead to the issue of language drift.
ex 1) training on “moongate” will lead to the model forgetting the association of “moon” and “gate” with their previously trained visual concepts
- ex 2) training on a personalized concept of V∗ tortoise plushy can leak, causing all examples with plushy to produce the specific target images
- Fine-Tuning 문제 해결 방법
- we select a set of 200 regularization images from the LAION-400M [69] dataset with corresponding captions that have a high similarity with the target text prompt.
- target text prompt와 데이터셋의 caption과의 유사도 threshold 0.85 넘는 것만 선정 (above threshold 0.85 in CLIP text encoder feature space.)
- we select a set of 200 regularization images from the LAION-400M [69] dataset with corresponding captions that have a high similarity with the target text prompt.
2.2. Multiple-Concept Compositional Fine-tuning
2.2.1. Joint training on multiple concepts.
- 학습 방법
we combine the training datasets for each individual concept and train them jointly with our method.
$V^∗_i$ ($V^∗_1, V^∗_2, V^∗_3, … )$ 를 학습하는 방법
- $V^∗_i$ are initialized with different rarely-occurring tokens.
- $V^∗$ are optimized along with cross-attention key and value matrices for each layer.
- Q는 frozen하고 K와 V만 업데이트한다.
- restricting the weight update to cross-attention key and value parameters leads to significantly better results for composing two concepts compared to methods like DreamBooth, which fine-tune all the weights.
2.2.2. Constrained optimization to merge concepts.
이전까지 target 텍스트에 대한 K와 V를 업데이트 하는 법을 배웠다. 이 부분에서는 regulation 텍스트에 대한 K와 V를 일정하게 유지하도록 학습하는 법을 다룬다.
- ${W^k_{0,l}, W^v_{0,l}}^L_{l=1}$ : the key and value matrices for all $L$ cross-attention layers in the pretrained model.
- 간략화 ⇒ $W_{0}$ : key and value matrices of pretrained model
- ${W^k_{n,l}, W^v_{n,l}}^L_{l=1}$ : the corresponding updated matrices for added concept $n ∈ {1 · · · N }$.
- 간략화 ⇒ $W$ : key and value matrices of updated model
- $C ∈ R^{s×d}$ is the text features of dimension $d$, and target words $s$
- all captions for each concept flattened out and concatenated.
- $C_{reg} ∈ R^{s_{reg}×d}$ consists of text features of ∼ 1000 randomly sampled captions for regularization.
2.2.3. Training details.
- details
- We train with our method for
- 250 steps in single-concept,
- 500 steps in two-concept joint training
- batch size of 8
- learning rate $8 × 10^{−5}$
- randomly resize the target images from $0.4 − 1.4×$ and append the prompt “very small”, “far away” or “zoomed in”, “close up” accordingly to the text prompt based on resize ratio.
- We train with our method for
- 결과
- This leads to faster convergence and improved results.
3. Results
3.1. Single-Concept Results
3.2. Multi-Concept Results
3.3. Sample Qualitative Comparison with Concurrent Works
3.4. Model Compression
4. Limitations
- Difficult compositions, e.g., a pet dog and a pet cat, remain challenging.
- In many case, the pre-trained model also faces a similar difficulty, and we believe that our model inherits these limitations.
- Additionally, composing increasing three or more concepts together is also challenging.
- First column shows the sample target images used for fine-tuning the model with our joint training method.
- Second column shows the failed compositional generation by our method.
- Third column shows generations from the pretrained model with similar text prompt as input.